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Production of coffee with incomplete fermentations and fermentations using the Fermaestro® implement Producción de café con fermentaciones incompletas y fermentaciones prolongadas utilizando el Fermaestro®

How to Cite
Sanz-Uribe, J. R., & Velásquez-Henao, J. (2022). Production of coffee with incomplete fermentations and fermentations using the Fermaestro® implement. Cenicafe Journal, 73(1), e73105.

Método Fermaestro®

fermentación incompleta

fermentación prolongada

café honey

café vinoso

Fermaestro® method

incomplete fermentation

prolonged fermentation

honey coffee

winey coffee

Método Fermaestro®

fermentação incompleta

fermentação prolongada

café com mel

café vinoso

Juan Rodrigo Sanz-Uribe
Javier Velásquez-Henao


This work aimed to use the Fermaestro® tool to establish methods with incomplete fermentation with partial removal of mucilage in order to obtain honey coffee and prolonged-fermentation methods associated with winey coffee. A one way completely randomized block design with nine treatments was followed: without mucilage removal, with degradation of 25%, 50% and 75%, coffee washed at the time marked by the Fermaestro® (Control), with additional times of 2, 4, 6 and 8 hours in the fermentation tank. The tests were repeated nine times at controlled room temperature of 19±0.5°C. The coffee was dried in thin beds, between 3 and 6 days, to reduce moisture from 53% w.b. to 10%-12% w.b. There was no statistical difference among the cup scores of the nine treatments. The findings show a probability between 22% and 77% of cups with sensory defects and between 67% and 78% of not exceeding the total SCA rating of coffee processed with the Fermaestro ® method when honey coffees are intended to be obtained. The prolonged-fermentation coffees showed a probability between 0% and 11% of cups with defects, and a probability between 44% and 56% of not exceeding the scores obtained by the control. The coffee processed in the manner recommended by the Fermaestro® method showed no defects and obtained an average of 81.6 points on the SCA scale, which classify it as a very good quality coffee.


Juan Rodrigo Sanz-Uribe, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Investigador Científico III, Disciplina de Poscosecha, Cenicafé.

Javier Velásquez-Henao, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Auxiliar de Mecánica, Disciplina de Poscosecha, Cenicafé

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