Pruning and renewal cycles: obtain a young and productive coffee growing
Podas y ciclos de renovación: obtenga una caficultura joven y productiva
How to Cite
Rendón, J. R. (2020). Pruning and renewal cycles: obtain a young and productive coffee growing. Proceedings of Cenicafe´s Scientific Seminar, 71(1), e71122.
Coffee is a perennial crop that requires renovations to maintain high production levels and facilitate agronomic management. In Colombian coffee growing, pruning and trimming practices that promote the formation of new shoots or suckers on the stem are known as renewal alternatives. The duration of the production cycle in turn is related to the characteristics of the soil, climate, topography, variety, and management of the crop. A correct planning of coffee plantations renewal is determined when the harvest ends; for regions whose main harvest occurs in the first semester of the year, the renewals are made in the second semester, for regions whose main harvest occurs in the second semester of the year, the renewals are made in the first semester. Additionally, in areas where the harvest is distributed equally in both semesters, the renewal should be done in the semester with less rainfall intensity. In order to stabilize production in aged-coffee plantations, the division of the cultivated area into fifths has been recommended to keep at least 80% of the trees in production and 20% of the renewed trees. It is through these management systems and the production cycles planning that producers can maintain a young and productive coffee growing system over time.
Author biography (See)
José Raúl Rendón, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café