Improved Coffee Seed Production: Take advantage of this benefit to renew your crop
Producción de semilla mejorada de café: aproveche esta ventaja para renovar su cultivo
How to Cite
Mejía, C. G. (2020). Improved Coffee Seed Production: Take advantage of this benefit to renew your crop. Proceedings of Cenicafe´s Scientific Seminar, 71(1), e71114.
Every seed production system must consider several aspects such as: varieties, seed production, distribution, quality control, IMS implementation in the three components (quality, environment, and OSH), and finally, legal management. The NFCG, through the National Coffee Research Center - Cenicafé, has the responsibility of producing seeds of improved coffee varieties by sowing for renewal on the farms of the Colombian coffee growers. Therefore, the objective of this seminar is to publicize the seed production system of improved coffee varieties of the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia.
Author biography (See)
Carlos Gonzalo Mejía, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café