Cenicafé, science and technology for Colombian coffee growing
Cenicafé, Ciencia y tecnología para la caficultura colombiana
How to Cite
Gaitán, A. (2020). Cenicafé, science and technology for Colombian coffee growing. Proceedings of Cenicafe´s Scientific Seminar, 71(1), e71109. https://doi.org/10.38141/10795/71109
Coffee growing has undergone many changes along its 200 years of history and the National Federation of Coffee Growers of Colombia, since its inception, has relied on science and technology processes carried out by Cenicafé in order to make better decisions. When conducting studies related to coffee, it is essential to consider rain, since this aspect characterizes Colombian coffee growing. The Intertropical Confluence Zone phenomenon privileges Colombia because there is rain every month and few marked dry conditions, which guarantees coffee production conditions throughout the year. However, for coffee enemies such as rust and CBB it is also an advantage and a constant challenge for the coffee grower. Consequently, Cenicafé conducts research with the premises that Colombia is rich and diverse in natural resources, and that coffee has complex interactions with other crops and with great variation in the territories. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on making the farms productive, reducing production costs and improving coffee value based on its higher quality. Finally, the seminar presents the model developed by Cenicafé to conduct scientific and technological research with its different actors such as the Executive Committee, the Technical Management Board, the Extension Service, the Dependencies of the FNC and the Disciplines of Cenicafé.
Author biography (See)
Alvaro Gaitán, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café