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Coffee growing and the carbon market: Challenges and opportunities La caficultura y el mercado de carbono: Retos y oportunidades

How to Cite
Guependo, I. G., & Moreno, J. E. (2024). Coffee growing and the carbon market: Challenges and opportunities. Proceedings of Coffee and Climate Change Summit , 1(1), e01106.

Mercados de Carbono

Mercados de carbono

Carbon Markets

Ilich Giancarlo Guependo
Juan Esteban Moreno


The Panelists analyze the importance of the National Federation of Coffee Growers in the implementation of environmental initiatives and the potential of the coffee industry within the carbon markets. They highlight the importance of involving all collaborators and promoting adaptation and mitigation efforts against climate change, focusing on agroforestry systems and the role of water in environmental projects.