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Estimation of foliar area in the Castillo® Variety with free exposure and its relation to production Estimación del área foliar en café variedad Castillo® a libre exposición y su relación con la producción.

How to Cite
Montoya, E. C., Hernández-Arredondo, J. D., Unigarro, C. A., & Flórez, C. P. (2017). Estimation of foliar area in the Castillo® Variety with free exposure and its relation to production. Cenicafe Journal, 68(1).

Coffea arabica L.

relaciones alométricas


regresión lineal

Coffea arabica L.

allometric relations


linear regression

Coffea arabica L.

relações alométricas


regressão linear

Esther Cecilia Montoya
Juan David Hernández-Arredondo
Carlos Andrés Unigarro
Claudia Patricia Flórez


The models that describe allometric relationships, based on leaf counts, are non-destructive, easy and economical methods to estimate leaf area in trees. Measurements of leaf area were made by registering the number of leaves in several Castillo® variety (Coffea arabica L.) coffee trees of different ages. The relation between the leaf area of the branch and the number of leaves in it was established and validated through a simple linear regression, with regression coefficients different from zero, according to t test, at 5%. Subsequently, the estimation of the leaf area at tree level was evaluated with respect to the observed values. In addition, using the information recorded, the number of branches per tree in which the number of leaves should be counted was determined in order to estimate the leaf area of the tree, with an error of less than 20%, and a first relation between the leaf area and the production in green cherry coffee was established, with a determination coefficient of 78.3%.

Esther Cecilia Montoya, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Investigador Científico III,  Disciplina de Biometría. Cenicafé

Juan David Hernández-Arredondo, Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (Corpoica).

Coordinador de Innovación Regional. C.I. el Nus., Corporación Colombiana de Investigación Agropecuaria (Corpoica).

Carlos Andrés Unigarro, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Asistente de Investigación, Disciplina de Fisiología. Cenicafé

Claudia Patricia Flórez, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café

Investigador Científico II, Disciplina de Mejoramiento Genético. Cenicafé

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