In this seminar the concepts and practices of Coffee Agroforestry Systems (CAFS), which refer to a set of cultivation management practices that combine coffee with tree species or with tree plantations of farms, are presented. These practices are the establishment of trees as barriers, boundaries, living fences, lot separation, slope stabilization, protection of water sources, corridors, ecological trails and ecological restoration. Versions regarding the use of shade-grown coffee are also demystified. Shady trees predetermine the coffee growing site and it is the climate variables that determine whether shade-grown or sun-grown coffee farming (AFS) should be carried out. Cenicafé practices and technologies in agroforestry systems and research on coffee growing issues are made for any farm and any coffee zone. These recommendations are linked to the strategy of the National Federation of Coffee Growers: “More Agronomy, more productivity, more quality” in order to clarify doubts about shade-grown or sun-grown coffee farming, variety to be cultivated, planting densities, renewal times, luminosity, crop age and nutrition.
Author biography (See)
Francisco Farfán-Valencia, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café