Importance of sanitary quality in the conservation and international distribution of crop germplasm
Importancia de la calidad sanitaria en la conservación y distribución internacional de germoplasma de cultivos
How to Cite
Cuervo, M. (2020). Importance of sanitary quality in the conservation and international distribution of crop germplasm. Proceedings of Cenicafe´s Scientific Seminar, 71(1), e71120.
Sanitary quality plays a very important role in the distribution of germplasm, since import or export activities may run the risk of spreading pests and diseases to other countries. For this reason, modern, highly sensitive and efficient methodologies must be used in the health certification process, which guarantee a safe transfer. To meet this objective, there are international and national laws that seek to prohibit the spread of quarantine pests with germplasm transfers. Additionally, the United Nations declared 2020 as the “International Year of Plant Health”, seeking to raise awareness on an international scale about how the protection of plant health can help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect the environment and stimulate economic development.
Author biography (See)
Maritza Cuervo, Alianza Bioversity International y CIAT