More agronomy, more productivity. Make the right technical changes on growing coffee
Más agronomía, más productividad. Realice los cambios técnicos correctos en el cultivo del café
How to Cite
Salazar, H. M. (2020). More agronomy, more productivity. Make the right technical changes on growing coffee. Proceedings of Cenicafe´s Scientific Seminar, 71(1), e71110.
In coffee production systems, the adoption of technologies generated by scientific research reduces the uncertainty and inherent risk of the activity. It also contributes significantly to the technical change, which allows increasing productivity with lower production costs and to achieve higher gross income for the coffee growing family. Given the perennial condition of coffee growing, the decisions made to define the production system have long-term implications and must have proper planning, since correcting wrong decisions would have a high cost for the coffee grower. The strategy of the Technical Management of the National Federation of Coffee Growers “More Agronomy, More Productivity, More Quality” aims to emphasize the definition of a resilient production system and the performance of agronomic practices that should not be negotiable. The aim is to guarantee adequate productivity levels and thus achieve profitability of the coffee business. The agronomic practices that must be carried out rigorously are: To plant improved varieties with durable resistance to rust, to use young coffee plants of known origin, to sow or renew crops at the right times, to establish the optimum planting density, to define renewal cycles to keep crops young, to know the acidity of the soil and to correct it for growing coffee, to properly nourish crops, to manage the brightness of the crop.
Author biography (See)
Hugo Mauricio Salazar, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café