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Densities and coffee renewal cycles in an agroforestry system in the department of Norte de Santander Densidades y ciclos de renovación del café en un sistema agroforestal en el departamento de Norte de Santander

How to Cite
Farfán-Valencia, F., & lina. (2019). Densities and coffee renewal cycles in an agroforestry system in the department of Norte de Santander. Cenicafe Journal, 71(2), 66–72.

Sistema de producción de café

sistemas agroforestales

densidad de siembra



Coffee production system

agroforestry systems

planting density

crop fertilization

Sistema de produção de café

sistemas agroflorestais

densidade de plantio



Fernando Farfán-Valencia


At the Blonay Farm, located at 7° 34' N and 72° 37' W, at an altitude of 1,250 m, municipality of Chinácota, in the department of Norte de Santander, the effect of four planting densities of coffee was evaluated (3,600, 5,400, 7,200 and 9,000 plants/ha) and five doses of fertilizer (12.5%; 25.0%; 50.0%; 75.0% and 100% of the recommended doses in soil analyzes) on coffee production in an agroforestry system. The arboreal component was made up of timber species already established in the locality, without a defined zonal arrangement, but maintaining a density close to 70 trees/ha. From the results obtained and the production functions constructed, it is possible to infer that the largest productions are registered with coffee planting densities between 7,200 and 9,000 plants/ha, nourished with 100% of the fertilizer dose. If the production system is established at these planting densities, the renewal of the crop must be carried out once the fourth harvest has been collected, about six years of the crop's life. At low planting densities, coffee renewal cycles can be between the fifth and sixth harvest, which is about 8 years after planting.

Fernando Farfán-Valencia, National Coffee Research Center-Cenicafé

Investigador Científico II. Disciplina de Fitotecnia, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café, Cenicafé.

lina, National Coffee Research Center-Cenicafé

Líder Departamental de Extensión Rural, Comité Departamental de Cafeteros de Norte de Santander, Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia.

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