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Effect of two floral inducers on coffee flowering and yield Efecto de dos inductores florales sobre la floración y producción de café

How to Cite
Unigarro, C. A., Díaz Bejarano, L. M., & Trejos Pinzón, J. F. (2019). Effect of two floral inducers on coffee flowering and yield. Cenicafe Journal, 70(2), 19-29.

Coffea arabica L.

ácido giberélico

nitrato de potasio

botones florales


Coffea arabica L.

gibberellic acid

potassium nitrate

flower blossoms


Coffea arabica L

ácido giberélico

nitrato de potássio

flores em flor


Carlos Andres Unigarro
Lina Marcela Díaz Bejarano
Jhon Félix Trejos Pinzón


In some perennial crops, the use of inducers resulted in increased flowering and, therefore, fruit yield. However, this is an unexplored alternative in coffee. In this research, the effect of floral inducers gibberellic acid and / or potassium nitrate during the induction of nodes on the flowering and yield of a genotype of coffee variety Castillo® was evaluated. The study was carried out at the Naranjal Experimental Station of the National Coffee Research Center (Chinchiná, Caldas - Colombia) with genotype CX2720 coffee plants established at a density of 3,333 plants ha-1 with two stems per site. In a randomized complete block design with five replications, the floral inducers were evaluated: gibberellic acid (GA3 - 100 mg L-1), potassium nitrate (KNO3 - 15 g L-1), its combination (GA3 + KNO3), in addition to a control without application. Applications were made in November to affect the flowering of the first semester (January - June) of the next year. The number of average flower blossoms per branch, the yield of cherry coffee and the average of absolute growth rates for stem diameter, stem height and number of plagiotropic nodes were recorded. The application of gibberellic acid (GA3) and / or potassium nitrate (KNO3) did not increase the number of flower blossoms, the yield of cherry coffee or the vegetative growth. The semester of higher precipitation decreased the flowering synchrony among different treatments with respect to dryer periods.

Carlos Andres Unigarro, National Coffee Research Center-Cenicafé

Investigador Científico I. Disciplina de Fisiología Vegetal, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café, Cenicafé. Manizales, Caldas, Colombia.

Lina Marcela Díaz Bejarano, National Coffee Research Center-Cenicafé

Asistente de Investigación hasta septiembre 2018. Disciplina de Biometría, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café, Cenicafé. Manizales, Caldas, Colombia

Jhon Félix Trejos Pinzón, National Coffee Research Center-Cenicafé

Asistente de Investigación. Disciplina de Experimentación, Centro Nacional de Investigaciones de Café, Cenicafé. Manizales, Caldas, Colombia

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